What is Wesley up to?
Hello all! We are excited to be in full swing at Wesley! Since the beginning of August, we have been on the move! From leadership training to operation move-in to simple hangouts. I am excited about what God has been up to here at Georgia Southern Wesley. We began our semester with a bang, with over 60 students at the first worship of the semester! As we gave high-fives to familiar faces, we invited first-year students into our community. We have the opportunity to do amazing things for the Lord this semester, and I believe it started on night one!
I heard one Freshman after worship one night say, “I’ll be back next week for sure!” That very next week, she also brought two friends! Your Wesley makes students feel at home, and I am excited to see where we go from here! This semester kicked off our Community Group: Start (Freshmen Community) and Apex (Upperclassmen), and we have been studying the book The Fuel and The Flame. One leader stated, “After reading, it made me think about my spiritual life and how there is more that I can do.” Our students are digging deeper and asking excellent questions, and I am excited to see their growth! Please join us in prayer as we continue through our semester together! Hail Southern!